Corsican Cartographic platform.
A component of the Laboratory Locations, Identities, sPaces and Activities (CNRS / University of Corsica), the LOCUS platform is a digital interface that can access geo-referenced data in the form of maps, metadata and user-friendly geographical applications. The amplitude, excellence and reputability of this database are guaranteed by the expertise and research conducted by the University of Corsica, and its exemplary partners: IGN (National Geographic Institute), INSEE (National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies), GIRTEC (Group of Public Interest for the Reconstruction of Land Titles and Deeds), CTC (Local Government of Corsica), DGFiP (The Executive Management of Public Finances), DREAL Corse (Regional Department of Environment, Urban and Country Planning, and Housing in Corsica).
The LOCUS cartographic platform is a major source of research and accessible geo-referenced data concerning Corsica. Elected representatives, local governments, Chambers of Commerce, Federations of Skilled Trades, Tourist Offices or associations of public utility consult research and thematic maps necessary for their projects, analyses, and reports. A considerable volume of geo-referenced information on periodic insular activity, mutations, demographics, et al. is accessible to individuals as well.