The scientific identity of the University of Corsica is labelled by the CNRS (National center for scientific research), and evolves around 8 fundamental, multidisciplinary projects. Strongly oriented toward regional development, each of these projects associates fundamental as well as practical research resulting in actual realizations of high added value.
The University of Corsica has a strong interest in several scientific domains that concern sustainable development and environmental issues (Laboratoire CNRS-Université de Corse Sciences pour l’Environnement, Laboratoire CNRS-Université de Corse Lieux, Identités, eSpaces et Activités). The University of Corsica is also endowed with research structures dedicated to the legal aspects of scientific research (The Patrimonial and Business Hosting Group) as well as public health (The Corsican and Mediterranean Bioscope Hosting Group). The University of Corsica strives to develop and transfer its research activity to society as a whole through four platforms: two dedicated to Technical Sciences: MYRTE/PAGLIA ORBA and STELLA MARE (UMS CNRS) and 2 in the Humanities and Social Sciences: M3C and LOCUS.
Founded in 2008, the Federation for Environmental and Societal Research (CNRS / INRA / Université de Corse) embodies the University of Corsica’s commitment to develop interdisciplinary research and innovative sources of prospection on the scientific frontier. Yearlong, the University of Corsica organizes and/or hosts international symposiums, and is involved in several major networks particularly via its Institute for Scientific Study in Cargèse (Université de Corse / CNRS / Université Nice Sophia Antipolis).
The University of Corsica has a doctoral school to train future researchers on environmental and society subjects (ED n ° 377).
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