Strongly anchored in its relation to heritages and to life in society, the University of Corsica stands as a place of visibility for culture as it is lived in Corsica, between rooting and universality. Theatre, exhibitions, concerts, debates set the rhythm of the year through several open-access and free for students appointments every week. Go to the Spaziu universitariu Natale Luciani, to find great names and young talents of the Corsican culture. The architecture of the stage of the one hundred places theatre of the University of Corsica, allows to smash the distance artist-spectator for a unique intimist experience. Throughout the year, the university library also hosts exhibitions and organises meetings in a dedicated space and in open access. 20 weekly cultural workshops, supervised by professionals, also allow students to get acquainted with various expressions: music, dance, theatre, literary writing, singing, drawing, visual arts, fashion design… Finally, various apparatuses help to support and encourage artistic expression. The group “A Pasqualina” illustrates perfectly this willingness. Formed by students of the University of Corsica, they write, compose and interpret songs which are necessarily original.