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Cultural Multi-Media Library of Corsica and Corsicans

More than 5000 documents concerning Corsica are available on-line, with open access.

The Cultural Multi-Media Library of Corsica and Corsicans (M3C) consists of more than 5000 archival and contemporary documents reflecting Corsican culture as wide-ranging and multi-dimensional.

For decades, our scholars and engineers have researched, collected and digitized thousands of documents of all sorts, relating to Corsica and Corsicans: linguistic dictionaries and atlases, literature, movies, photos of traditional customs and rituals, landscapes, etc.

In this way, the Cultural Multi-Media Library of Corsica and Corsicans (M3C) participates in the development of the Corsican language and culture, of the education in and out of the classroom, as well as of the conservation of the Corsican collection, anthologies, et al. and in the promotion and conservation of the archaeological, historical, urban, rural and literary heritage of Corsica.

This database is open access, free of charge, via the on-line media library: m3c.universita.corsica.


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Collections are the heart of the Cultural Multi-Media Library of Corsica and Corsicans. All the documents collected by our researchers and engineers are available for consultation.

Corsican Literature

To safeguard Corsican heritage and culture in digital form, the M3C acquires copyright for the fundamental Corsican writers of literature written in the Corsican language.

Ghjacumu Thiers, Marcu Biancarelli, Pierre-Dominique Sammarcelli, Rinatu Coti, Dumenicu Tognotti, Guy Cimino … are among the authors showcased.


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m3c_footPhotos of Bastia’s Sporting Club, Local fishing…

The work of Louis Amadori, well known photographer and collector, is part of the content. This collection alone represents 5 million photos!

The photos are a reflection of their epoch: the Sporting Club of Bastia (UEFA Cup 1978, French Cup 1981), the Furiani disaster in 1992, insular fishing, and plethora of images of Bastia.

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m3c_audiovisuelThe Audiovisual Memory of Corsican Life

The Flori family library includes numerous works, periodicals, photos and unpublished audiovisual documents that reflect the social changes of Corsica from the 1930s to the 1990s. The digitalization realized by the M3C protects this rare testimony of the 20th century, in Corsica, a period lacking depiction on film or in photographs.

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Other available collections…

  • Works of the UMR CNRS 6240 (Mixed Research Division, National Center for Scientific Research 6240) LISA (Inter-University Laboratory of Atmospheric Systems) University of Corsica
  • Puntelli per l’Antulugia Nova di a Literatura Corsa, Manuscripts and older works, the Bonanova Literary Review
  • The preliminary inventory of Corsican Architectural heritage
  • Bunifazi, Lavezzi, isuli pasciali : Indigenous Fora of Corsica / Marcel Tournayre bequest
  • The Urbinu Lagoon and its surroundings in the 19th and 20th centuries / Luc Bronzini de Caraffa legacy
  • Audio Collection (oral culture, customs, fables, traditions, legends) and video (seminaries, conferences, workshops…)
  • The popular religiosity: Confraternities from Bonifacio, All Saints’ Day vespers, Commemorative Holy Mass
  • Medieval, religious architecture in the Golo valley


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Thematic Itineraries.

For another approach to the M3C assets, the thematic tours are an invitation to discover the Cultural Multi-Media Library of Corsica and Corsicans, and its treasures.

m3c_inaThe INA Archives (National Audiovisual Institute): Media and mobilizations in Corsica since 1945

This epic video is composed of more than 80 transmissions from public broadcasting archives of the INA. The segments are presented in chronological order and organized according to themes such as “cultural and social problems” or “environmental emergence”. The images are subjective, and as such, it is necessary to make them available for consultation, to incite individual reflection, and to analyze the important questions of collective public action in communal space.

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m3c_manuelsA century of Corsican images through textbooks from 1833 to 1938

The research led was based on the hypothesis that French public schools tried to inculcate and shape a national identity, sometimes leaning on local identities, in cohesion with cultural legacies. The objective was to test this hypothesis by analyzing all the aspects of textbook representations of Corsica, from the 19th to 20th centuries.

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m3c_parcours_archeoWeb documentary: An experimental, prehistoric archeological site

Conceived by the University of Corsica’s Department of Archaeology, this web documentary is based on the experimental reconstruction of two Neolithic Corsican housing structures and their environment. This innovative work will transpose scientific data from archaeological excavations on an important reference site dating back to the insular Neolithic period. It is also an observatory worksite to study these housing environments over a period of time.

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Among other proposed thematic itineraries…

  • Joseph-Antoine Canasi: a collector fascinated by Corsica (archives from 1825 to 1940)
  • The Urbinu Lagoon and its immediate surroundings in the XIXth and XXth centuries (Luc Bronzini de Caraffa bequeath)
  • Bunifazi, Lavezzi, isuli pasciali: The Indigenous Flora of Corsica (Marcel Tournayre collection)
  • Images of Corsican fishing; the Sporting Club of Bastia; Bastia and its region (Louis Amadori legacy)
  • Audiovisual reports and representations of Corsican society (Ange-François Flori collection)
  • Poetic and Romantic Works (Bartulumeu Dolovici legacy)


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The University of Corsica often exhibits the results of its research. Virtual visits of some of these exhibitions are now possible via the M3C.

m3c_expo_dupatrimoinePreliminary Inventory of Architectural Heritage in Corsica

62 panels present the preliminary inventory of Corsican architectural heritage, via its micro-regions. The exhibition is overseen by the Laboratory Sites, Identities, sPaces and Activities (CNRS / University of Corsica). The large photographic inventory is composed of images of traditional Corsican houses and agricultural constructions that shed new light on the idea of a more diversified heritage.

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m3c_expo_piazzilediituvarelliU Piazzile di i Tuvarelli: A traditional pastoral hamlet in the Fango valley

The exhibition was conceived by the Laboratory Sites, Identities, sPaces and Activities (CNRS / University of Corsica). It is an archaeological and ethnological visit to a traditional pastoral hamlet (end of the nineteenth century, beginning of the twentieth) in the Fango valley, in Corsica: U Piazzile di i Tuvarelli.

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m3c_expo_30anni30 anni di storia di l’Università di Corsica

This exhibition relates the last 30 years of the University of Corsica, since its historic reopening. Started for a brief period in the eighteenth century under General Pasquale Paoli, the university reopened, after several years of vast popular mobilization in 1981. It gives a perspective on the collective impetus that established its reopening, and the relation to Corsican political and societal issues that continue to influence its evolution and prospects.

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A sampling of other exhibitions:

  • Pascal Paoli and the training of the Corsican elites in the 18th century
  • An iconological, iconographic and material comparative study of votive aedicule (sanctuaries) in the cities of Genoa and Bastia during modern and contemporary times
  • Golu, Tavignani and adjacent sectors (archaeology)


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Médiathèque Culturelle de la Corse et des Corses (M3C)


“Sites, Identities, sPaces and Activities” Laboratory (CNRS / Università di Corsica)


Marie-Antoinette MAUPERTUIS



Christophe LUZI
+33 (0)4 95 45 01 41 | luzi_c@univ-corse.fr

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