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Storing solar energy.

The University of Corsica-CNRS’s MYRTE and PAGLIA ORBA platforms are located in Vignola, near Ajaccio, at the Georges Peri Scientific Studies Center.

Sponsored by the CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research), the AREVA Energy storage space and the CEA (Atomic Energy Commission), the University of Corsica’s MYRTE platform research is dedicated to the production and the storage of solar energy. Its objective is to redistribute this energy within the electricity network during periods of strong daily use, and/or to mitigate the extreme power fluctuations inherent in energy that the photovoltaic power plant supplies.


The platform’s goal is to produce and store energy through a Hydrogen chain. This consists of an electrolysis apparatus, which, during hours of weak consumption, produces hydrogen and oxygen from water molecules.

This energy is then distributed via a fuel cell, that recombines the hydrogen and the oxygen into water, producing electricity; for example, in the evening during hours of important consumption, while the photovoltaic panels are inactive. This apparatus also produces heat that can be stored for various secondary uses.


Hooked up to the EDF (French Electricity System) network since 2012, the power plant produces the equivalent of the electrical consumption of 200 homes. This research developed a control-command system that optimally runs all the equipment, according to functional algorithms developed by our researchers.

By their size and their assimilation in the electricity network, the MYRTE and PAGLIA ORBA platforms, located on the University of Corsica-CNRS site, are one of the rare sites in the world, capable of studying the duo renewable energies and storage under real conditions.


Find all the news and current events concerning Research in the University of Corsica on the website

Centre de recherche scientifique Georges Peri, Ajaccio

Plateformes MYRTE et PAGLIA ORBA

Centre de recherche scientifique Georges Peri, Ajaccio

Plateforme MYRTE

Centre de recherche scientifique Georges Peri, Ajaccio

Plateforme MYRTE

Centre de recherche scientifique Georges Peri, Ajaccio

Plateforme MYRTE

Centre de recherche scientifique Georges Peri, Ajaccio

Plateforme MYRTE

Centre de recherche scientifique Georges Peri, Ajaccio

Plateforme MYRTE

Centre de recherche scientifique Georges Peri, Ajaccio

Plateforme MYRTE

Centre de recherche scientifique Georges Peri, Ajaccio

Plateforme MYRTE

Centre de recherche scientifique Georges Peri, Ajaccio

Plateforme MYRTE

Plateforme MYRTE


An animated cartoon to become
familiar with the MYRTE platform

The movie “Sun in Bottles” was filmed as part of the Renewable Energies project, distributed by the Technical, Industrial and Scientific platform, dedicated to research and development of Renewable Energies, as part of projects solicited jointly by the Regional Delegation for Research and Technology in Corsica and the Territorial Government of Corsica, to encourage the circulation of scientific and industrial culture in Corsica.

Producing solar energy…
during a solar eclipse!

On March 20th, 2015, the MYRTE platform took part in an original experiment, that of producing solar energy during a full solar eclipse. How did the various components of the platform react during the solar eclipse? Was the energy production constant? The answer and explanations are in the video.

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Certified by CAPENERGIES: the competitive pole

The CNRS Laboratory/University of Corsica “Environmental Sciences” (anchor project – Renewable Energies – MYRTE/PAGLIA ORBA Platforms) is a member of the International Research Association “Sinergie” (CNRS / Nanyang Technological University) (CNRS/Nanyang Technological University). Its goal is to promote Franco-Singaporean scientific cooperation in the fields of renewable energy production and storage, the creation of intelligent electricity networks, etc.


Plateforme MYRTEMission hYdrogène pour l'inTégration au réseau Electrique


“Environmental Sciences” laboratory
(CNRS / Università di Corsica)


Paul-Antoine SANTONI

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Logo Areva
Logo CEA

With the financial support of :

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Logo Union européenne
Logo République française